Tuesday, 19 July 2011


Often I ask myself why? But does it really matter or I am just being silly and worrying about almost everything? When things happens in our daily life, we as human nature try as hard as we can to find reason in everything. My mind was at battle a few hours earlier -  I was asking myself whether to do a particular thing or not to do, deep down or at the back of my head i had the answers and I knew very well what I had to do. Then a friend of mine said - "TO DO - U ONLY LIVE ONCE".

It was then that my heart decided to get involved, it occured to me that even if i go ahead and do the deed, my conscience on the other hand would have tried to convince me otherwise.
Here I am now, while letting all of these out at this particular place, I know I am  not supposed to be at - but why I did it - was it the inner little creature in me that wanted to be selfish, in any other case, I let this devil to control me once again. Although I have tried so many times to fight it,but it looks like it's got the upper hand. Only that inner creature within me and my creator knows WHY?

The last question that I have is - Until WHEN? will I let this power control me, because I know very well that I should spend less time worrying about what lies at the end of a religious journey ,when its the path itself that I am on that's important.

I might have made the wrong choices and decisions, but those were mine to make and to learn from them.
Now that I have offloaded, hope when you go through  this - you will Identify something that has meaning in your well being and maybe teach me some thing aswell.

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