Saturday, 28 December 2013

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There are times like today when I reflect back on my life and the things that befell me and I'm like wow! how did I make it here? Well, what can I say, I stood up and achieved the greatest things I ever dreamed of . I may not have it all or have not done it the right way, but its certainly not the end of me....
I am so proud of the way I have turned out. I am not ashamed to talk about the times when I fell apart. I allowed people to break me down , I allowed myself to break .Then I stood up. Hahaha!

Lesson ? I have learnt not to let shit build up before I address it. If it doesn't make me happy and I know it can't be fixed... I walk away.
I have learnt to be content with such decisions, because letting go and walking away isn't a form of cowardness, but its merely a sense of doing yourself a favour  and sparing oneself the hurt and distruction in the long run. I am proud of how strong I would like to think I have become. If someone doesn't treat me well or doesn't go out of their way  for me, I cut them out immediately and what the other party will think of me is actually none of my business and is the least of my concerns.
Actually it doesn't upset me because people dont live the way I do or have the same mindset as me!
As for those that hurt and betrayed me - I don't hate them. Hating consumes so much of time and energy .To each  his own, not EVERYBODY will have a good heart.

As much as I saw people turn their backs, I also witnessed a lot of geniune people showing me sincere, powerful love. Just imagine how good it feels to have so much peace and to be so loved after facing a lot of turmoil. I can't remember when last I had such fire in my heart! I am so happy with my growth and the love surrounding me.

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