So I'm bored to death, yet dying is the last thing at the back of my mind...
I'd rather swing off a cliff and experience the exuberance that comes with letting go.
There really isn't much that brings me here today, except for that there's a lot going on, but I try to be more awake and less distracted and it seems to be working for me - care less & less stress so they say.
So I'm going around minding my own business loving what I've got and looking to get more!!
Past life experiences have taught me to bring people with positive energies into my inner circle or just hangout by myself.....that works very well for me too. Because if those are enthusiastic, authentic... Oh! did I ever mention how I dislike people who front!? and they will be scheming on different branches of the tree, like lil shits!... Oh well that's a story for another day.
OK I sense some remorse from what I just wrote...hey one's got to vent - shit happens everyday.
Don't take it personal ....I never take it personal. Some of you will be spitting venom , when not all poisonous makes rattle, keep that in mind.
With that said, I am glad to be where I am today, considering that some got it very bad out there - Its better to be here than in Darfur..